We don’t have much time and energy to waste. So anything that is matter to us, we have to make it a try and should learn as quickly as possible. In this video, I’m gonna share 4 steps to how you can learn any web technology faster. However, these steps might help you to learn other topics as well.
Before we dive into today’s topic, let’s kick things off with a powerful quote from the quicker man himself, Elon Musk: He said…
“If you give yourself 30 days to clean your home, it will take you 30 days. But if you give yourself 3 hours, it will take 3 hours. The same applies to your goals, ambitions, and potential.” – and this is it.

Step 1: Don’t Waste Time, Focus Instead
- When we think about time, we often consider how much time we spend on a given task. However, the key to learning is not how much time you spend but how focused you are during that time. When it comes to learning, focus matters more than anything else.
- It is difficult to focus on just one topic for a long amount of time and still be productive. However, when we are able to focus on one thing for an extended period of time, we can learn more than if we were constantly switching between tasks. there is a term called Switching Cost – which is: “The transition from one task to another involves significant cognitive effort, causing mental and physical fatigue, reduced task performance, and a loss of concentration”
- So, avoid distractions, stay organized, and track your progress. Remember, don’t stop and switch until you are done.
Step 2: Collect resources and plan before starting
- The best way to learn a new technology is to start using it. But before starting, first, identify what you want to achieve with the new skill or technology.
- Then, gather all the resources you need, such as tutorials, courses, and books. Research and compare different options and choose the best ones for you.
- Finally, set your goals for each day or week of learning and create a timeline for when you’ll be ready to use the skill in your work environment.
Step 3: Start doing real projects
- The best way to learn a new technology is by doing real projects. It’s essential to apply what you’ve learned in practical situations, and doing so will help you get a better understanding of the technology.
- The more you practice, the better you will get at it. And when it comes to learning technology quickly, the only suggestion anyone gives is to practice, practice, and practice.
- So, make sure you have relevant projects to work on while you’re learning. It will help you stay motivated and engaged, and you’ll be able to see your progress in real-time.
Step 4: Document and Share Your Knowledge
- Keep track of what you’ve learned, what you’re working on, and what you need to improve. Take notes, create documentation, and make sure you have a clear record of your progress – it helps us remember what we have done so far!
- Finally, one great idea of learning is sharing knowledge while learning, many people avoid doing this. Believe me, only this activity can take you to the next level of learning anything faster!
In conclusion, learning web technology quickly and efficiently requires focus, planning, practice, and documentation. By following these four steps, you can learn any new skill in a matter of weeks, not months. Remember to stay focused, plan ahead, practice with real projects, and document and share your knowledge.
I’m not telling you to give yourself 3 hours only but give yourself a reasonable time. That no one else can estimate, but you…
Happy learning!