Category: Web Development

How to learn web technology 10x Faster?

We don’t have much time and energy to waste. So anything that is matter to us, we have to make it a try and should learn as quickly as possible. In this video, I’m gonna share 4 steps to how you can learn any web technology faster. However, these steps might help you to learn other topics as well.

Glossary and a quick walkthrough of React

To spend your focus time, React is a worth technology to check. I always like to learn stuff in more specific, precise, and clear ways, learning React is also not different. Here I’m sharing a React gist with all the basic terms, which will help you to get insights about React more quickly so that […]

Tech Stack: chose your stack wisely!

The Tech Stack is a set of technologies to develop websites or applications, it’s also called technology infrastructure or solutions stack. Choosing the right tech stack is so much essential for accomplishing any project in a cost-effective, timely, and successful manner. It has an impact on the design, functionality, and future scalability of a website […]