Welcome to my handpicked collection of life-changing resources. I only recommend items that I've personally created or use regularly. There's no hype or fluff here—just the very best tools, knowledge, and gear that I've found to be essential in my journey towards success and personal growth.

📚 Books

I usually didn't read books much, but nowadays I got fascinated and influenced by seeing a few people and started making a habit of reading books. Hence the amount of books I read is less, so I pick a very selective one and share the best one after filtering out all my list. I hope these books will help you to achieve success faster.

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🎬 Courses

I like to do online courses frequently. As I believe, almost everything we want to learn exists online. Online courses are one of the best sources to get quick & structured learning, obviously if you can pick the best one. I've done a few cool and outstanding courses which I happily recommend to anyone with the same interest.

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🛠 Tech & Tools

In general, we use lots of tech & tools to make our life easier, where some of them are good, some are not. However, before putting anything into our bucket, if we do minimum research based on our condition and requirement we can pick the best one almost all the time.

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⚙️ Gears

When it comes to getting things done efficiently, having the right gear can make a significant difference. Whether it's gadgets, accessories, or equipment, choosing the right gear for your needs is crucial. Here are some of the gears that have greatly contributed to my productivity and enjoyment.

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