About Rajon Dey | Web Developer & Digital Creator

Hi, I'm Rajon Dey.

I'm a Software Developer, my passion is crafting smart, meaningful, and professional websites that enhance the online presence of individuals and businesses, making the web a more engaging, effective, and better platform.

Beyond coding, I'm also a Digital Creator, crafting content on the internet, an Investor in various sectors, and a passionate Music Lover. I belong to the Music through my most adorable guitar, which I often play with absolute passion. When my intelligence has turned against me, it helps me to calm down and focus on anything with crystal clarity.

You can contact me by email at hello@rajondey.com to say hi! I always appreciate meeting new people.

Story & timeline

👨‍🎓 Education & Training: Graduated in Business Administration from Leading University (2017) and completed Web Development training at Sylhet IT Academy.

🧑‍💼 Career Path: Started coding and freelancing in web development in 2015. Currently serving as Module Lead for the frontend team at SJ Innovation LLC since 2019.

🎬 Creations: Create diverse digital content—articles, videos, and photos—exploring the realms of web technology, the rhythm of music, and life's essence.

🎯 Current Focus: Full-time work as Module Lead at SJ Innovation LLC, developing multiple side projects, learning guitar, creating digital content, and curating a biweekly newsletter.

Lifestyle & Hobbies

🎸 Music & Guitar: Deeply connected to music, I find fulfillment in creating melodies. My guitar is my passion, helping me stay creative, energetic, and focused. It calms me down and brings clarity when needed.

🧑‍💻 Tech Exploration: Beyond my profession, coding and exploring cutting-edge technologies have become a cherished hobby. I dedicate significant time to unraveling the mysteries of the web, constantly learning and growing.

🌟 Diverse Interests: I enjoy driving, traveling, reading, researching, investing, gardening, and cooking when time allows. Photography and videography are creative outlets for capturing moments.

🏸 Active Lifestyle: I engage in sports like badminton, cricket, table tennis, and chess. To maintain overall well-being, I balance these activities with regular exercise, meditation, and yoga practices.

Get in touch

🐦 Social Media: If you have an opinion or short query, please tweet @rajjon.dey, I will be there as soon as I can. You can send direct messages on Instagram or Facebook.

📨 Email: For longer discussions, please do email at hello@rajondey.com. I read all my emails regularly and reply accordingly.

☕️ Meet in Person: I also like to meet new people in person if you have any trips to Sylhet, Bangladesh, and want to talk. I'll buy you a coffee, no questions asked. I'm generally available on weekends and weekday evenings. Drop me an email at coffee@rajondey.com to arrange.